

Haiti shares the island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic. It is a beautiful country but has a long and difficult history. As a French colony with hundreds of thousands of slaves, Haiti was one of the wealthiest countries in the Caribbean through the sugar and forestry industries and the importation of African slaves.

In 1804 after 500,000 slaves revolted, Haiti became the first black republic to declare independence. But years of exploitation, corruption, and natural disasters have turned Haiti into one of the poorest countries in the Caribbean.

To learn more about the history of exploitation in Haiti, read this article.

On January 12, 2010, a 7.3-magnitude earthquake hit the country. More than 230,000 people were killed. A year later, more than one million people remained displaced within the capital, Port-au-Prince, living under tents and tarps in terrible conditions that fostered a cholera outbreak. Even before the earthquake took the lives of so many, Haiti was estimated to have 380,000 orphaned children. That number today is even higher.

Before the 2010 earthquake, 80 percent of Haitians were living in poverty. There’s no doubt that number has increased. Many of these families live in homes pieced together with tarps, wood, and scraps of metal. They can’t afford medical care or the cost of books, uniforms, and supplies for their children to go to school. Many of these communities do not even have proper running water, electricity, or sewer systems.


Why We Serve in Haiti

  • Children are unable to attend school due to lack of money for school uniforms, books, and school supplies.
  • Children are suffering from malnutrition because families are struggling to make enough money to put food on the table every day.
  • Families lack basic medical care.
  • Families are living in unsafe or inadequate conditions.


Children of the Nations' Involvement

haiti_girls-401x267.jpgWhen the earthquake hit in 2010, COTN was already serving in the Dominican Republic, in several communities just across the border from Haiti. With the help of partners like you, COTN quickly dispatched medical volunteers from the US and the Dominican Republic, to meet immediate needs. Partners in the US also loaded a 40-foot shipping container of medical supplies and sent it to COTN's clinic in the Dominican Republic.

The earthquake response team identified 13 Haitian children in need of critical medical care—children suffering from broken bones, amputations, and emotional trauma. Along with their families, the children were brought to COTN’s medical clinic in the Dominican Republic, where COTN–Dominican Republic nurses partnered with medical volunteers from the US to care for them. Now, all of them are healed and back home in Haiti.

But the needs of many other children in Haiti are still great. That's why, through the generous support of many partners like you, COTN established a Village Partnership Program in the community of Bellevue, Haiti. Today, this program provides dozens of children with food, medical care, improved housing, after-school activities, Christian discipleship, and more.


Recent Updates

An Update on the Situation in Haiti

Published Mon, Mar 18, 24.

As vital members of the Children of the Nations family, we want to give you an update on the current situatio...

Djouliana D.

Days Waiting: 210

Age: 13

Sponsor Me

Freslaine J.

Days Waiting: 1128

Age: 25

Sponsor Me

Indy R.

Days Waiting: 77

Age: 5

Sponsor Me

Marie J.

Days Waiting: 296

Age: 12

Sponsor Me

Riquelme A.

Days Waiting: 212

Age: 8

Sponsor Me

Valenson L.

Days Waiting: 115

Age: 14

Sponsor Me

Rose D. D.

Days Waiting: 115

Age: 12

Sponsor Me

Abigael A.

Days Waiting: 75

Age: 5

Sponsor Me

Achelyne P.

Days Waiting: 499

Age: 20

Sponsor Me

Achley P.

Days Waiting: 96

Age: 11

Sponsor Me

Alann N.

Days Waiting: 47

Age: 16

Sponsor Me

Aldae'lle Eilene C.

Days Waiting: 75

Age: 3

Sponsor Me

Alexandrine J.

Days Waiting: 607

Age: 16

Sponsor Me

Anaica F.

Days Waiting: 124

Age: 8

Sponsor Me

Angel Kevin M.

Days Waiting: 75

Age: 4

Sponsor Me

Bethsaida V.

Days Waiting: 308

Age: 13

Sponsor Me

Carlensky B.

Days Waiting: 75

Age: 3

Sponsor Me

Carmita M.

Days Waiting: 75

Age: 3

Sponsor Me

Chrisnette P.

Days Waiting: 74

Age: 3

Sponsor Me

Christanaelle C.

Days Waiting: 66

Age: 12

Sponsor Me

Christ Eder Junior L.

Days Waiting: 52

Age: 4

Sponsor Me

Clive C. M.

Days Waiting: 141

Age: 15

Sponsor Me

Dalenska J.B.

Days Waiting: 296

Age: 12

Sponsor Me

Darmica P.

Days Waiting: 334

Age: 17

Sponsor Me

Haiti - Bellevue Children's Center

Providing vital early childhood education for our children in Bellevue.

Haiti - Bellevue Preschool Launch

Help launch a new preschool in Haiti

Haiti - Sou Ray VPP Expansion

Welcome 50 more children and a new Haiti community into the COTN family

Laptops for University and Vocational Students

Education Fund

Feeding Children Today, Tomorrow, Forever

Provide food and sustainable farming solutions to feed children in Africa and the Caribbean

Haiti - Most Urgent Funding Needs

Help children in Haiti by meeting the most urgent in-country funding needs

Haiti - Physical Care

Your gift to the Haiti Physical Care Fund will provide medical and physical care

Int'l Development - Education Fund

Help educate children and equip them to transform their nations

Int'l Development - Physical Care Fund

Provide for the health and medical needs of children in Africa and the Caribbean

Int'l Development - Social and Emotional Care Fund

Help raise emotionally healthy children

Int'l Development - Solar Power Fund

Help provide children with renewable power at their schools, homes and communities

Int'l Development - Spiritual Care Fund

Help fund spiritual care projects and bring Jesus' love to children in need

Int'l Development - Sustainability Initiatives

Our WARM (Water, Agriculture, Renewable Energy, and Microenterprise) practices focus on an integrated approach to sustainability.

Right Start - Nursery School

Right Start for our children

School Supplies for Children in Need

Provide school supplies for children in need.

Send a Child to Camp 2024

Send a Student to Camp 2024

University Scholarship Fund

Help University/Vocational students to attend programs for professional development.

Partner with COTN through Cassia Burke

Thank you for being on my team! Partnering with me is a beautiful and effective way to support COTN and the chi...


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Provide School SmilePacks to equip our children Back to School

We need to ship 7,500 School SmilePacks to equip our students for the school year. And we can't do it without yo...

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Right Start SmilePacks

Interested in helping provide for needs of preschool children in Africa and the Caribbean? You can br...

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