My Country: Uganda

Population:  43.3 million (July 2020)

Life Expectancy:  68.2 years

Orphaned Children:  2.7 million

Secondary school attendance ratio:  20%

Children sleeping under mosquito nets:  74%

Oscar O.

Personal Information

Reference #: UG-01-0063
Age:  21
Birthday:  August 14
Gender:  Male
Grade:  Eleventh
Village Name:  Uganda Childrens Homes
Educational Goals:  Doctor
Favorite Subjects:  English, Literature
Favorite Activity:  Soccer
Favorite Bible Story and/or Verse:  Hezekiah
Spiritual Life:  Attends Church, Memorizes Scripture, Prays

Uganda Children's Homes

All the children who live in COTN’s Children’s Homes come from difficult backgrounds. Many were orphaned after a two-decade civil war and an AIDS crisis that wiped out much of the parent population.

Before entering COTN’s Children’s Homes, many of these children were forced to beg on the streets or live with relatives who were unable to provide for them or treated them as servants. Most of the children couldn’t attend school and typically suffered from malnutrition and other health problems.

Now these children live in a safe, loving, and nurturing environment. Typical meals in Uganda consist of beans, posho, and meat. The children do chores like sweeping, washing clothes, cooking, mopping, and helping with animals. They speak Luo and learn English in school.

Thanks to sponsors like you who partner with our staff, these children receive all the benefits of a typical home environment with loving parents and siblings, daily meals, a good education, medical care, and spiritual guidance. By continuing to equip these children with tools for success, we believe they will grow up to create positive change in their community and, ultimately, their nation.

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