Feeding Children Today, Tomorrow, Forever

$440,045.81 raised ~ goal of: $500,000.00


$59,954.19 To Go



In Africa and the Caribbean, there are parents who work long, difficult hours every day but still watch their children go hungry. There are orphaned children who struggle to feed themselves and their younger siblings. There are children who drop out of school because they are too hungry to concentrate in class.

No child should go to bed with an empty stomach. 

You can feed these children! You can give them the nutrition and energy they need to focus in school, stay healthy and strong, and grow up to become transformational leaders in their community.

Impact Story

Growing up in Malawi, Ireen never had enough to eat. Her brother and father died when she was a young child, and her mother was very sick. As the oldest child, she was often in charge of finding food for her family. Even though primary school is free in Malawi, she would miss class because she was too hungry to pay attention.

Then Ireen joined Children of the Nations. Thanks to generous donors, she had the food and care she needed to pass secondary school and go on to college and business school. Today, Ireen is the CEO of her own affordable-housing construction company!

Why Is This Project Needed?

  • When children have to spend all day finding enough food to eat, it’s impossible to escape poverty. Daily, nutritious meals give them the chance to get a great education and work toward a better future.
  • Many children living in poverty suffer from malnutrition, which makes them sick, prevents healthy brain development, and can even stunt their growth.


  1. 4,329 children won’t spend all their time worrying about where their next meal will come from. Instead, they will have time and energy to play, learn, and be kids.
  2. The food will be purchased from local farmers, supporting the local economy.
  3. Your gift will also go toward developing sustainable farms. The goal is that one day, our ministry sites will be able to produce all the food they need.


Your gift will help provide food for our children today, tomorrow, and forever by funding immediate and long-term food needs:

  • Feeding children TODAY - Your gift will help purchase food in the countries COTN serves, thereby supporting local farmers and businesses while meeting hungry children’s immediate needs.
  • Feeding children TOMORROW - Through your support and other generous partnerships, we are securing grants so large quantities of food can be packed at strategic events and shipped to the countries we serve, for use during food shortages. Our current focus is to ship meals to Sierra Leone.
  • Feeding children FOREVER - Our long-term goal is that each of the countries we serve will one day be able to produce all the food they need, without relying on us. That’s why a big part of our efforts focus on developing sustainable farms in the countries we serve


Leader: Dave Schertzer

Phone: 360-633-1621

Email Group Leader

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